Self-care ideas for women – Why and how answered

Let’s discuss some easy and doable self-care ideas for women. Though self-care is important for everyone not only women but it’s the women who ignore this part in life. They do not take out time for themselves. Remember, self-care is not selfish. And there should be no gender differentiation while discussing the topic of self-care. The ideas discussed here are universal.

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In this world for a very long time, self-care has been labeled as being selfish.

Even in current modern times woman who prioritizes herself is looked upon as self-centered, at times not caring even as a Home breaker in extreme cases. This is not only a third-world phenomenon but also prevalent in developed societies.

You can’t pour from an empty cup.

What does this mean! This line totally defines why self-care should be a priority even if for you like most women family is a priority. This one line expresses that if you are exhausted and not happy you cannot keep your family happy. After some time you will reach a point where you cannot serve more to anyone. 

Many women prioritize kids, spouses, family needs even at times society before caring for themselves. In this process, we suffer burnout both mentally and physically. Even your love won’t be expressed in its true positive form. This is the reason exhausted moms lash out at their kids. And the absence of self-care is one of the major reasons for fights between couples.

When you practice self-care you are mentally and physically fit, your mind and body are in alignment with your soul. You are ready to give more to your loved ones, to society. More stamina, more love, more attention, this is accompanied by better decision making both in the professional and personal sphere. 

“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.”


The important thing to remember is that self-care and admiring yourself is not selfish, so relieve yourself of any guilt you have about taking the opportunity to devote yourself to destressing and developing yourself up. Even if you only have 10-15 minutes a day to dedicate to your wellbeing, it will make a big difference in helping you to rejuvenate the mind, body, soul connection.

“The Western workplace culture — exported to many other parts of the world — is practically fueled by stress, sleep deprivation, and burnout. This is profound — and negatively — affecting our creativity, our productivity, and our decision making: the very things entrepreneurs need to succeed.” Arianna Huffington

Let us Summarize the benefits of Self-care before moving on to methods

  • Self care improves mental health.
  • In long term self care boosts productivity.
  • Self-care improves clarity and creativity.
  • It reduces stress level.
  • You are fueled up and ready to give more love.
  • Makes you more empathetic.

I believe that these benefits must be sufficient to convince you to schedule self-care into your routine and devote more time to yourself as per your needs.

self care ideas for women

Let’s discuss now self care ideas for women

There are numerous different ways and you need to pick at least one from each category. that suits you. By category I mean one act that nurtures your health set and mindset Also, I would like to add a soul-enriching activity. Because remember you need to have all the three systems mind, body, and soul in connection for efficient functioning. You won’t be happy if you are sick, also if you are mentally depressed it will ultimately affect your health. 

Don’t sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice too much there’s nothing else you can give, and nobody will care for you.

Karl Lagerfeld

Let us discuss the self-caring activities in detail. 

Activities For enriching the mind

  • Learn to be mindful and present.
  • Practice gratefulness. The more you are appreciative of what you have, the stronger positive your outlook becomes.
  • Shut out the negative chatter. Surround yourself with positive music, books, inspirational quotes. Learn to listen to the voice that says you can do it, and stop welcoming the voices and people who are questioning you.
  • Find a peaceful, safe, and happy place where you can take a mental time out.
  • Spend quality time with family, loved ones, and friends. Being social helps you stay connected with others and promotes a sense of belonging.
  • Practice deep breathing and other techniques that promote calmness.
  • Write in a journal and a gratitude log. It changes the perspective towards life. You will appreciate how many blessings you have.
  • Get professional counseling

To be a good parent, you need to take care of yourself so that you can have the physical and emotional energy to take care of your family.

Michelle Obama

Activities For a healthy body

  • Focus on taking care of your body. Feed it healthy nutritious foods, and clean your pantry of foods that don’t promote health.
  • Go for a walk or run, do yoga or any other activity that gets your body moving. Exercise creates endorphins that boost positive results.
  • Get an annual physical exam.
  • Rest when your body is telling you to.
  • Try fasting (its subjective though). Read benefits.
  • Wake up early. Preferably at 5 AM.

“You have to believe in yourself when no one else does—that makes you a winner right there.”

— Venus William

Spiritual Activities for Soul

… If you feel “burnout” setting in if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself.

Dalai Lama

  • Find your spiritual balance (God, the universe, a higher power). People who have a strong spiritual belief system tend to handle stress better.
  • Meditate or pray.
  • Practice visualization techniques.
  • Connect with non-material things.
  • Practice kindness. With humans as well as animals.

The connection to something greater than yourself helps to put life into perspective.

Detox from technology and work. This one practice will help you to enrich your all spheres. Read more about this.

Now, let’s move to How can you add more self-care to your routine?

  • SCHEDULE IT IN : you can have little breaks of self-care during the day. 10 minutes of meditation in the morning, a 15-minute tea break, 20 minutes of reading before bed, etc.
  • MAKE A LIST OF FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: just try to incorporate activities that serve the mind, body ad soul
  • START THE DAY RIGHT: wake up early, exercise, meditate
  • CREATE YOUR ABSOLUTE NO LIST: for people, activities, food, Don’t eat the kale if you don’t like it. A different salad is as nutritious
  • ALLOW FOR ONE BIGGER SELF-CARE ACTIVITY A WEEK: Take a massage, manicure, or go on a picnic with kids or playdate with a friend.

Lets me end this article with some simple doable self care ideas for women you must practice

  • Spend time in nature, like gardening or walking barefoot in the grass
  • Make an effort to go to bed early.
  • Spend 10 to 15 minutes a day on a few simple yoga poses or stretches.
  • Try a hot water bath.
  • Read a book before bed.
  • Take a walk around your neighborhood without a goal.
  • Do a craft.
  • Take a nap when tired
  • Sit on your front porch or deck and just sit there. No phone.
  • Take a new route to work.
  • Spend time alone
  • Believe that saying “No” is okay
  • Have a mini dance party.
  • Stop to smell the coffee—literally.
  • Enjoy breakfast.
  • Say no to those dinner plans. Which you don’t like.

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