Manifestation is a method to get your desired life.

But is it true? Does Manifestation actually work?

What is exactly manifestation? How to manifest?

After 15 minutes, that is after reading this blog completely you will get an idea of what, how, and methods of manifestation.

For most of us, manifestation sounds supernatural in fact superstitious. Is it or is it not?

Recently science is also studying this topic and we will get into the scientific angle of manifestation in a future blog.

What is manifestation?

“Manifestation is simply the process of making an intention real. It’s about taking something that’s just an idea in your mind and calling it into this physical plane.”

In short “Manifesting is intentionally creating what you want.”

In relation to our lives, the process is as simple as we think and draw a picture or story for our future life and guide our mind to bring that to reality.

This is nothing spiritual or superstitious. Simply before any project execution, we need to have a detailed planning of the process and desired outcome. We can’t execute a wedding party manifesting and planning for a birthday party. 

So, in life when we manifest it simply means we first think about our ideal life and guide our mind to achieve it. Also read, how to design your life and you can include the principle of manifestation along in the process.

How does the Manifestation process work?

When you believe in something, focus on it and visualize it, you change how you see the world and how you perceive others. You open yourself to receiving and recognizing opportunities and possibilities.

The Universe responds to your vibes and offers opportunities to those who are open to receive them.

Manifestation is where your thoughts and your energy can create your reality.

Manifestation doesn’t just work with your thoughts, there has to be a form of action on your part. This could be actually applying for the jobs that suit what you are looking for and going to the interviews.

Everything happening in your life is a reflection of what is happening inside of you. Whatever you focus on will take shape and manifest into your daily life.

To summarize, you need to have a desire, visualize it, believe in it and yourself, and take action to bring that to reality.

person holding string lights photo

How to Manifest: 5 Easy Steps

Sounds pretty awesome, right?

But what are you supposed to do, exactly, to manifest something?

1. Determine your goals

The first step is to set a goal. Figure out what you most want to achieve – maybe you’d like to find love, make a change in your career, improve your health, or excel at a new hobby.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What’s something you’ve always wanted to pursue?
  • At this point in your life, what do you want most of anything in the world?
‍2. Elaborate what you want

Next, you want to get out there and ask the world for what you want. Some people like to make vision boards, write about it in a journal, pray, or discuss their goals with loved ones or mentors. The most important thing is to outwardly express what you’d like to achieve, and allow yourself to imagine how your life would improve as a result.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What will my life look like once I meet this goal?
  • How will it look?
  • How will it feel?
‍3.Come up with an action plan

While manifesting has a big focus on your thoughts and mindset, it’s still important to think about the tangible actions required to meet your goal.

Even the highest goal can be broken down into smaller, simple steps. For example, if you wanted to make a career change, the first step might be researching a new industry, or reaching out to someone with experience in that field.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What’s the first small step I should take to actualize this goal?
  • Are there any new skills I should learn?
  • Do I know any experts I can ask for advice?
‍4. Adjust your mindset

Now, here’s the really crucial part: the mindfulness work. While working to manifest your goals, you want to concentrate on positivity and gratitude. You want to put good vibes out so that you get good vibes in return.

This requires you to spend time reflecting on your thought patterns. If you notice that you’re telling yourself you aren’t enough, it’s time to dig deep and consider why you might hold these self-beliefs — and establish newer, healthier ones.

Think of it like getting behind the wheel of your own thoughts: you want to steer them in a way that will serve you in advancing your goals.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What changes do I need to make to fully believe I am deserving of what I’m asking for?
  • How can I make my thoughts, and my self-beliefs match what I’m going after?
5.Keep an open mind

Sometimes a possibility arises, and you think “this is it! this is what I’ve been asking for!” — but it passes you by.

Even when we put in all the work and have the right mindset, manifesting an intention can take time. Trust that when the right opportunity comes, it will work for you.

And keep your eyes wide open— sometimes the “perfect opportunity” looks different than what you were expecting!

woman holding leaves

How to Manifest Anything

  1. Decide what is it that you want.
  2. In your imagination, create a clear mental image of what you want.
  3. Focus on this image with faith and love.
  4. Treat the mental image as reality.
  5. Believe and act as if you have already achieved your goal, or being in the process of achieving it.
  6. Ask the Universe for guidance, and believe that it is attracting what you want into your life.

Your attitudes and beliefs about yourself and the world around you are what actually create your life!

The ingredients for Successful Manifestation

There are a few important ingredients, which you need to add to the equation to get results. These are:

Feelings – They supply the energy to your thoughts. To make electrical devices work you need electricity. To make thoughts and visualization work, and create the things you want, you need to put feeling into the process.

Faith – You need to truly believe that you can get what you want. You should have no doubts at all. Doubts weaken your thoughts and drive away your dreams.

Focus – You need to focus your attention and direct your mental power to the mental image you create in your mind.

Why Manifestation Fails Sometimes

  • If you tried manifestation and it did not work, it’s most probably that you have not done it right.
  • Maybe you got disappointed and frustrated when nothing happened within a few days.

Disappointment and frustration awaken negative feelings, and these feelings manifest more disappointments and frustrations.

If you tried and nothing happened, you need to detach yourself from the negative feelings, otherwise, you will attract more disappointments.

You need to check what you did wrong and learn how to proceed correctly.

selective focus photography of person holding the adventure begins mug

Give Manifesting a Try if…

  • You have a goal that you’re motivated to achieve.
  • You’ve felt stuck when trying to meet your goals in the past.
  • You’re ready to adopt a more positive and change mindset.

What is the science behind manifestation?

There actually is science behind the idea of manifestation—that is, turning an idea into a real thing. Here are some areas of research and how they lend support to manifestation:

A growth mindset can help you manifest your dreams and reach your goals. If we truly believe we can achieve something, we are willing to do the hard work to achieve it.

There is also research showing that whatever our expectations are, they tend to be confirmed. This is what is known as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Start where you are.

Like I said earlier, things may seem like they get worse before they get better; in truth, you just didn’t see how bad they actually were. Self-honesty is the first step of manifesting what you want.

Final Thoughts

Manifestation is a fantastic process to incorporate into your daily life. Not only will it lead to a happier and more positive lifestyle, but it will also help you to feel more in-tune with the universe and accomplished as an individual.

More on this topic

The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind Summary

  • Lesson 1: Visualization is a means to use the placebo effect to your advantage.
  • Lesson 2: When in doubt, sleep on it. Often, you can make more confident decisions after a good night’s rest.
  • Lesson 3: Wish others well, for envy will only prevent you from getting what you want.

Think And Grow Rich Summary

  • Lesson 1: Use autosuggestion to build an unshakable belief in yourself.
  • Lesson 2: Be stubborn and always stick to your decisions.
  • Lesson 3: Join a Mastermind group to accelerate your learning.


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