Food is a basic human right, vital for good health and ultimately for life itself, but food is more important than you think. Meals we eat are not just source of nutrients that keep us going rather it is something that forms culture, family traditions, social bonds.

Food is not how much we eat rather what we eat, it is how we eat, with whom we share the experience. Though not everyone in the world appreciates the taste but each and every human appreciates the experience of meal.

Family Meals

We all know the importance of a healthy diet. We all also understand that it is imperative to eat healthily if we want to maintain a healthy and long life. However, what we do not realize is how important it is to not only eat right but also pay attention to the way we do it. Experts have time and again reiterated that it is not just about what you eat, but also about how you do it. Eating a meal in front of the TV, or when you are super stressed, may have a very different effect on your body, as opposed to a meal consumed with your family, when you are feeling relaxed and content.

We need to ensure families have access to healthy meal. But we also need to make sure individuals within the family feel competent to prepare and plan meals, and the day-to-day organization at home has some stability and routine. This creates family bonding and teaches kids discipline and organization. The family meal table is one of the world’s best places to strengthen your relationships. Don’t get distracted there. Switch off the TV, keep your phone on the side. Enjoy your meal and enjoy your relations.

Social Bond

You know why is your mother worlds the best cook for you because you share that bond with her. Family meal is one of many ways to bond socially and culturally, we hit instantly with people who have common eating habits or favorite meals.

While traveling I always go to a local restaurant, people are friendly and you get to know deep about culture. I just love local food, because I had it in the most authentic place. Food is a special part of your experience always. 

Travel & Food

One of the most interesting parts of travel and expedition is the food experience. Have you ever been to a food festival. They are one of the best places where you can taste variety and authenticity.

 I went to the Paris food festival. There I got a chance to taste Michelin Star Chef’s food at the cost of street food. It was food heaven.

Waiting for my next food fest experience and I want to inspire you to go local and go authentic. 

Diet is more important than exercise

I am sure you must have heard. Health is 80% diet and 20% exercise. You Are Always “At Choice” With Your Diet What you choose to eat is always in your control and can be easily “tweaked”. Food choices, portion control, and calorie intake are three important driving factors that have a significant impact on your weight loss, your energy levels, and overall health. So let’s talk about each one:

  • You can cut your portions by 50%: So eat everything you would, but cut the portion size in half. This is challenging if you go out, but for every other meal at home make this your go-to approach.
  • You can make better food choices: When you don’t eat right, you put weight on. When you put weight on you increase your chances of diabetes, hypertension, and lots of other un-enjoyable diseases.
  • You can swap out convenience meal for real food: Processed foods have fewer nutrients and while they’re convenient because you don’t have the time, you must make the time so that your body works the way it should for you.

Quality of Life

The ability to eat and the enjoyment of eating are important aspects of good quality of life. In other words, “being able to eat what I want, when I want” makes us feel good. Factors interfering with eating or the enjoyment of eating typically include physical complaints, such as pain or severe or uncontrolled diarrhea; physician orders not to eat; restricted diets; a perception of wasting money when food is not digested or absorbed; and general ill feelings associated with poor health. 

Photo by Hồng Xuân Viên on

Babies and food

Whether they can eat or not, children should also interact with food! Foods may provide oral stimulation and non-nutritive sucking, and promote chewing skills. Expose your child to different textures, tastes, and colors. Develop food-related games to increase his or her familiarity with foods and mealtimes.

Handling food and playing with food and utensils encourages oral-motor skill development. Setting the table for the rest of the family is an important and necessary social skill. Children may also set the table for their dolls or stuffed animals and play-feed them, too. Older children can participate in shopping, food preparation, and cooking. Mealtimes should be maintained for socialization and to allow children to watch others eat. Most importantly, create a supportive eating environment for the entire family.

I invite you to share your views about food.

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