— Let's address


How does coaching work?

Coaching is an equal partnership between the coach + client where both parties are 100% committed to the client’s success. That means that as your coach, my full attention is on helping you.I am an expert at designing a fulfilling life and you’re an expert at YOU.
Together we explore what you need help with, uncover what’s been holding you back, get clarity about the next steps and conduct regular sessions to keep you on track with your new goals.

How is this different than therapy?

Therapy is appropriate for you if: You have a mental health diagnosis that hinders your everyday life. Coaching is appropriate for you if: You want to address future goals. You have a specific road block that you need help with, but it’s not in the realm of mental health. You want to improve your confidence and spiritual growth. You want to get clear about your passion and take action toward a new career path or business, or relationship. You are ready to make significant changes in your life. (Coaching involves a lot of ACTION and requires you to be ready and willing to meet weekly goals)

How much are your services?

There is Watsapp classes, Email Guidance, 1-2-1 sessions for 7/ 21 days.

We can have 1st half hour 1-2-1 free session I’ll explain everything at the end of your  “Free First Session” (first call)

I often get feedback from the people I’ve worked with saying they received more insight and motivation in our first coaching session than in years of struggling to figure it out on their own. 

My advice is to do your research, in case you don’t connect with my style. Have a first session with two or three different life coaches and you’ll know/feel who is the best fit for you. The investment will absolutely be worth it if you’re working with the right person.    

How often would I work with you?

Some clients will set up their first session and get so much value from it that they are able to move forward on their own.

Many clients who seek ongoing support will opt for 6month VIP Program with the option to continue month-to-month until they’ve achieved their goals. I find that those who do make a commitment to a year are the ones who show the greatest transformation. But you don’t have to make a commitment right away. We can start with a one-time session and I’ll recommend a program that fits your needs / budget.

Do you coach in India only?

My vision statement states I help people around the world. The language I speak is English (although we can try via google translate, honestly I haven’t done yet and I am ready for challange). So you can be from anywhere around the globe.

How many sessions does it take?

This depends on your starting point and your goals. Have you been involved in personal growth work for many years or are you just getting started? Each client is unique.

You may work with me anywhere from one session to three months to a whole year. It really depends on whether you’re only looking to resolve something specific or you want to totally transform your life.

How do I know if coaching will work for me?

You might be a little skeptical. I understand that it can be difficult to know whether coaching or working with ME specifically as your coach will benefit your situation. You’re probably asking yourself… “Will this work or will it just be a waste of money?” 

I believe in supporting you to make the right decision based on experience. The first step is to set up your breakthrough session so you can try it first. (There will be no pressure to continue.)

At the end of that first session we can make an informed decision about whether or not we’re a good match to continue working together regularly.

Coaching can completely change your life when there’s a good fit AND when both parties are 100% committed to the process. That means YOU will be required to show up for yourself and do the work.

^ If this is you, let’s talk!

Any more queries, have some suggestions for me or need some suggestion mail me :  apurvalalranjan@gmail.com

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