-Hello Girl
Career is brand it represents whole you, not just job!
You are just 5 days away from your dream life!
Develop Skills and Build wealth for your HAPPY Life!
mail your queries : apurvalalranjan@gmail.com

- I am writing a book on how to design your destiny and you will receive a free copy as gift for enrolling this course.
-Hello Girl
- You will get free worksheet and planner for increasing your efficiency.

- First week registration will get 30 minute 1-2-1 session worth Rs 2499 for FREE
This course is specifically designed for young girls to equip them with skills and wisdom, they need to thrive in life!
Clients Reviews
She listens, understands but teach you how to find solutions. This helped me in other areas of life than my career too.
Thanks for guidance.
Ashwani Kumar
Apurva knows exactly what a life coach should be like. The first session itself with her bought so much positivity within me. I am looking forward to talk to her more. She is not like any other counsellor who would just listen and say normal repetitive stuff. She very well personalises the experience and would boost your moral support.
nikita shreyasi
Ms. Apurva does a very good counselling. A month of counselling course helped me to make my mind stable and calm and also encouraged me to find things what I’m looking for in life.
Chinmay Gujar